Friday, July 31, 2009

Flywheel, clutch and motor mounts.

Installed a new main seal.
freshly cut flywheel

Home made tool to block flywheel.

Here, I wire brushed the numbers, sprayed with flat black and wiped once. This should be readable with the strobe light.

New pilot ball bearing from local store.

A used DS 21 shaft will do the centering.

Torquing the pressure plate.

Checking the motor mounts with a bore tool.

Left manifold installed.

Now I have to finish connecting the gear box...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Timing B head (Intake)

I had to solder an extension to do the B head.
Verifying the timing. When done properly, the long marks on the cam shafts align with the caps on the A head and the short marks align on the B head.

Gapped the points before installing the distributor.

Aligned the distributor on the TDC of cylinder one (Compression stroke).

Changed the dipstick o ring with a 3X10 mm.

I made a little tool to check for engine torque. I found 25 f/lbs to 50 f/lbs depending on the number of opening valves. This is without oil pressure; I think this engine is pretty free.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Timing B head (Exhaust)

I have drilled the head to accept the new limiter.

The book doesn't call it, but I've used copper washers to avoid any eventual leak and some Loctite on the threads.

New limiter in the block.

Some grease on the O rings to keep them in place.

Cleaned up the tensioner.

I first followed the book as far as installing the chain, tensioner and cam shafts, but when I worked on the B head, it was easier for me to install the chain first, the tensioner and then the cam shafts.
Below, tensioning the tensioner at 14 ft/lbs

I have marked the rotation of the chain. This will be useful later in order to set the cam shafts.

Made an extension for my dial indicator to set the TDC.

To increase precision, i have marked the casing when the needle of the dial indicator stopped moving and then when it starts moving again. The true TDC as far as the crankshaft is concerned is in between the 2 marks. The difference is very small dough.

Setting the intake cam shaft by turning the cam shaft in the same direction of the chain. On the 2.7 liter, the valve is set at 1mm down and on the 3L it is 2.20mm. I wish the book said that earlier instead of in the check timing section. I had to re-do it. When the timing is set correctly, a mark on the shaft caps are aligned with the long mark on the cam shafts.

I could not loosen the rings on the cam shafts. After a call to Dave Burnham (Thanks again, Dave) I have grinded a chisel and by whacking the ring in the wise, it finally loosened up. Here is the wrench I made form two 2 inch pin wrenches. The other one is a grinded 26mm open spanner. To hold the cam shafts in position, I used pieces of leather between the caps and the cam shaft.

Setting the exhaust cam shafts, which have to be done in the opposite direction than the chain. The value is 1.3mm in both 2.7 and 3 liter engines.

The valves in balance. The light is in the exhaust opening. The exhaust valve is closing while the intake is starting to open.

Working on the B head now.

Of course, the chain is turning in the same direction than the A head, but it seems that it is the opposite, since it is pulling the exhaust cam shaft first. I marked the direction to avoid any confusion.

Stating to look like an engine.

Now, I am ready to set the timing on the B head...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Oil and water pump

A 30mm socket worded nicely to install the lip seal in the oil pump.

Lip seal in place.

The re-enforced oil pump shaft, bigger diameter and longer spindles.

Ready to place timing chain cover.

I have grinded a crow foot to torque the 2 top screws.

Just to make sure that the oil pump shaft is properly in place

Oil pan ready to be installed.

Time to take care of the water pump. I have used some sealer to hold it in place (Avoiding it to turn and leak later).

I've used a large socket with some 600 grid and a little polishing to smooth out the surface

On the picture below, you'll see 3 screws that are longer than the others (On the oil pan); I don't know why and I put them there, at the end of the oil pan. If someone knows why and where they should go, please let me know.